I always use to hear everyone talking about fasting but never really fed into it. Especially the true purpose of fasting, allowing your spiritual being to be in front our your natural being! I've always heard fasting for a certain LOOK, weight loss! Now don't get me wrong, the curiosity of shedding a couple lbs. can be a plus after a 3 day water fast but its NOT the goal. THE GOAL is the CLEANSE!! To gain CLARITY, remove DISTRACTION, PURIFY my mind, body and soul!
Now let me run it back... I didn't know the first thing about fasting until about July of 2020. I get filled with so much emotion when trying to explain my ascension. I rededicated my life to God, I am in RELATIONSHIP with him and the closest I've ever been to spirit, I HAVE BEEN DELIVERED! I am on a journey to fully surrender my life to CHRIST! I'm always asking myself, how do you explain something so deep, so spiritual and to many may sound just a little crazy! My surrender has been so supernatural it still blows my mind so I know when I speak sometimes its like I'm in a trance lol.
Anyway in July of 2020 I remember my sleep pattern changing and my appetite being different! I LOVE FOOD, and all kinds of food lol...But when I look back at that time I was unknowingly fasting!
Spiritual fasting: Denying the basic physical need for food as important. The practice is to deny your body its physical needs in order to move the focus away from your body and toward your faith and spirituality. (www.healthyhildegard.com)
Yup, God had put me on a fast without me recognizing it at the time! Most days I wasn't eating and just drinking water! Other days I was eating fish, crabs, veggies and fruit, the crazy thing is that I wasn't craving ANYTHING else! I was unknowingly committed! Now my sleep, I was sleep when everyone was awake and up while everyone was asleep. "So be on guard, no asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded" 1 Thessalonians 5:6 NLT. I was up at 3,4,5AM.
I remember having my nephew with me and he would be waking up and I would just being drifting into sleep! He hung with me, he would say "ok Titi I'll wake you up in a hour lol! He would see me getting ready for a night of work and say "Titi I'm going to sleep now, are you going to do your work." Neither one of us knew SOULO would come out of all that work, we just knew it was a purpose for those nights and now he is my BIGGEST Supporter!
The Journey...
Day 1...
You can feed into many people, places and things that will try to mask the journey and act as if its all peaches and cream and sunny days but baby ima give it to you real and raw. It is a constant commitment to resist the old comfortable being of self and start to seek and do the work required to stay in ALGINMENT with who God has called you to be. The OLD you dies while the NEW you is being born! If you're any part human then you fall short and feel the pains of that REBIRTH just as much as I do!
April was full of resistance (control). Resisting the discomfort, THE STRETCH to move into the spaces God is moving me into! The battle of Man vs. God is real and Day 1 is me throwing my hands up to the surrender that's required for this season. Seeking clarity so my spiritual being is ALWAYS in front of my natural being! Clear atmosphere, balance and boundaries to move forward!
Day 2...
I woke up feeling so GOOD and REFRESHED! More energized than I had been feeling all of April! The blockage I had was starting to chip away, the clarity was setting in! I was literally in the bathroom having another morning conversation with myself and the last 3 minutes of the conversation GOT REAL! I had just re-read the word about confession [James 5:16 ; 1 John 1:9]! The TRUTH will always set you FREE [John 8:32]!
We can so easily keep ourselves in bondage instead of choosing FREEDOM! I had been blocking, avoiding INSTEAD of welcoming and receiving! I had been holding on to the plans I had for myself instead of embracing GODS plans for me. I confessed, released and went through the day feeling free and light as a feather.
Later that afternoon the rain and clouds filled the sky, 10min later the rainbow shined!
"All around him was a glowing halo, like a rainbow shining in the clouds on a rainy day. This is what the glory of the Lord looked like to me. When I saw it, I fell face down on the ground, and I heard someone's voice speaking to me." Ezekiel 1:28 NLT
Day 3...
Man day 3 is NO JOKE, to me this is the hardest day! You are resisting every temptation to end early and anticipating everything you are craving! I wanted a good ole bacon, egg and cheese sandwich this morning...BUT, the commitment!
See all week I had been shutting down conversations about what everyone was eating and cooking. Dodging conversations left and right! I woke up EARLY, to fill my red jug of water and headed out for my hair appointment. I was felling so productive, all I packed was my computer and notebooks, I had a plan to get work done while I sat and got my hair braided and I did just that! Day 2 leading into day 3 was full of downloads. God had specially told me that night to write out my future plans, all my hearts desires and that's what I did! I finished another notebook around midnight full of my hearts desires and everything I've heard and processed over the last couple months. I finished at 12:12 AM. Romans 12:12 says "Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying"
The biggest take away from this fast has been to BE PATIENT AND TRUST IN THE PLANS GOD HAS FOR YOU!
If you want to join me NEXT MONTH make sure you leave a comment!!!